Monday, February 9, 2009

Vital information for the demo.

Grandparents Apart UK
Change of day for
A peaceful Demonstration against Social Services Child Adoption and Family policies

Wednesday 4th March
George Square Glasgow

Who is invited

Grandparents, Mothers, Fathers, Step-parents, Uncles, Aunts.
In fact everyone who cares about children is welcome.
Reason:- To protest against the adoption, parenting, and
grandparent policies of our "out of touch Social Services
departments" who now appear to be wholly incompetent and
acting as a law unto themselves, with complete disregard for
the children's "Best Interests" (article 8 of the Human rights act
and the UN convention for the rights of the Child)?
These policies are causing untold distress to children and
families. The proof being the recent outrage, regarding
grandparents who were by-passed for the adoption of their
grandchildren We demand policies to be more in line with
children's welfare and not to be treated as commodities to be
disposed of as in a business plan.
We call on everyone who cares for children's welfare to
demonstrate your disapproval of these policies and also to
write to your MSPs, MPs in protest stating that you support our
For full details follow this link for further information.

Grandparents Apart UK is a Scottish Registered Charity. No SC 031558 Staffed by volunteers. Registered at 22 AIness Crescent Glasgow G52 1 PJ

Important points we are demonstrating against.

Social Services adoption policies are causing great distress to children and families.
Taking children into care by-passing the extended family and adopting them without consent to strangers. See what we are demonstrating against.

Adoption of a wee girl to two strange men when she had a fear of men.

Grandparents Apart UK have worked with the Scottish Executive via a stakeholders group in the creation of ‘The Charter for Grandchildren’ (this qualifies us to present a proposal) See proposal

The group has toured the greater part of Scotland with their Mobile Information Centre to highlight the charter and parenting agreement and raised some hopes but they were dashed when the professionals SS courts lawyers etc. stated “it is only advisory and we don’t need to acknowledge it” See Tour of Scotland.

The government states that it is best for children to have two parents. In practise the law appears to be fatally flawed allowing children to be used as weapons and blackmail.

The government stated, to give individual grandparents legal rights of contact would cause more problems that it would resolve and by giving rights to grandparents they would then have more rights than fathers. Further they want families to resolve problems by themselves and not by legislation.

This new proposal has been made by listening to the government and working to their wishes,. The new proposal does not ask for individual legal rights but for The Charter for Grandchildren to be mandatory for professionals who deal with children in their best interest and giving them the full benefits of their grandparents help and protection but not impinging on parental rights in any way. By doing this the government would be sending a signal of encouragement to families that it is in the best interests of their children to resolve family issues by using mediation.

At present the government is not using every means possible in the protection of children and by not using the majority of grandparents that are willing to help, if the were allowed especially for early detection of abuse is criminal and is not in a child’s best interest.
Social Services by-pass grandparents and take a child into care. Alienate it from their family, usually telling them their family does not want to see them again. Then adopt them without consent from anyone.

A beautiful business plan for commodities, but children and families are not commodities, they are human beings and need to be treated with love, respect and kindness for them to grow into decent citizen’s men and women and be an asset to society.

Children who are separated from their entire extended family lose all stability and identity and are very often low achievers in society and end up turning to gangs as a substitute for family comfort to find the stability that was torn from them by incredible decisions made by Social Workers. They can become the thugs of tomorrow or worse yet suffer years of state sponsored abuse. They lose all respect for anybody. Possibly the reason older people and women are afraid to go out at night.

The Government of this country knows full well the feelings of the general public but choose to ignore or cover up the shambolic and criminal state of our Social services and their out of kilter policies. It is no longer time for petitioning and being ignored, when it comes to our children only protesting will get attention.

We call on everyone who cares for children’s welfare to demonstrate your disapproval of these policies and also to write to your MSPs, MPs in protest stating that you support our protest.

Social Services by-pass grandparents and take a child into care. Alienate it from their family, usually telling them their family does not want to see them again. Then adopt them without consent from anyone.

A beautiful business plan for commodities, but children and families are not commodities, they are human beings and need to be treated with love, respect and kindness for them to grow into decent citizen’s men and women and be an asset to society.

Children who are separated from their entire extended family lose all stability and identity and are very often low achievers in society and end up turning to gangs as a substitute for family comfort to find the stability that was torn from them by incredible decisions made by Social Workers. They can become the thugs of tomorrow or worse yet suffer years of state sponsored abuse. They lose all respect for anybody. Possibly the reason older people and women are afraid to go out at night.

The Government of this country knows full well the feelings of the general public but choose to ignore or cover up the shambolic and criminal state of our Social services and their out of kilter policies. It is no longer time for petitioning and being ignored, when it comes to our children only protesting will get attention.

We call on everyone who cares for children’s welfare to demonstrate your disapproval of these policies and also to write to your MSPs, MPs in protest stating that you support our protest.







(a) YOU confirm in writing that you indemnify the Glasgow City Council, Land &
Environmental Services against all claims of loss, damage, injury, etc., to the
participants or the public within the park/precinct/square area and that any
such loss, damage, injury, etc., will be your responsibility. YOU ARE
(b) You will be responsible for all Health and Safety matters arising from the Let.
At the time of entering this agreement you will notify the Council of any inherent
dangerous activities to take place or substances to be used that could cause
injury to participants-^s or to the public. In such circumstances the Council may:-
1. Require the exhibition of a valid third party public liability insurance policy
2. Impose such further conditions as are considered necessary by the Council
in the interests of Health and Safety.
(c) You are responsible for complete stewarding of your event to the satisfaction of
Land & Environmental Services and/or Strathclyde Police.
(d) You contact the local police to advise them of the proposed event.
(e) On no account will you stop any other park/precinct/square user for the
purpose of collecting money, etc., without appropriate Council licence
(telephone 0141 287 4812 for advice).
(f) You contact Building Control should the event involve any temporary raised
structures which are 600 mm above ground level (telephone 0141 287 4497 for

(g) You contact Environmental Health should the proposed event have elements
including noise emission, sale of food and beverages and public toilet
requirements (telephone 0141 287 9271 for advice).
(h) You ensure that no vehicles, other than those for which specific permission has
been given, are taken into the park, city centre precincts or squares.
(i) You exercise great care to ensure that no public congestion is caused and that
access is kept clear for vehicles of the emergency services.
(j) You reinstate any damage to, or remove litter left within, the
park/precinct/square, failing which a charge for same will be payable by you.
Reinstatement of George Square will require to be carried out by Land &
Environmental Services, with costs for same being payable by you. Please
also be aware that as part of the Clean Glasgow Campaign offenders at your
event promotion may incur £50 fixed penalty notices issued by enforcement
(k) You must liaise with Land & Environmental' Services to ensure that there are sufficient number ‘ of litter receptacles available for your event/promotion.
Additional bins to the existing PROVISION can be hired for siting at agreeable locations. Payment for emptying these units will be inclusive of the standard rates.

(l) You note that Glasgow Council reserves the right to cancel the let in the case of particular adverse ‘ weather or other circumstances.
(m) You do not advertise your event by fly posting. Failure to comply may result in
summary cancellation of the let.
(n) You ensure that leaflets/flyers are only handed out to those persons expressing
a genuine interest in your organization and/or campaign Any litter caused by
the leaflets should immediately collected by the distributor.
(o) You make contact with greater Glasgow Health Board Emergency Planning
Officer to ensure adequate first aid cover (telephone 0141 201 4554).
(p) You note that the consumption of alcohol out with licensed premises is
prohibited under the terms of the appropriate City Bye-law.
(q) You ensure that all noise levels are kept to a minimum to avoid disturbance to
other park/precinct/square users and/or to occupiers of surrounding properties.
(r) You note that no military involvement may take place without the prior
agreement of Land & Environmental Services.
(s) Should there be any alterations to the proposed event after initial permission is
granted, you will submit the revised plans to Land & Environmental Services
and await appropriate permission to be granted for amended proposals.
(t) Land & Environmental Services reserves the right to alter the set layout of your event at any time should ground conditions or any other circumstance so warrant.
(u) All electrical equipment brought on site should be portable appliance tested
and carry inspection stickers. Installation certification should also be available
for all generators, which must be diesel driven and barriered to prevent public
access to them. All sub contractors, traders and performers should be notified
accordingly. For advice and information please contact Andy McColl Technical
Manager for Events, and/or his designated Officers on 0141-427-6771. Any
equipment not in compliance with the foregoing is likely to be deemed
inoperable and may require to be removed from the event site.
(v) If there is a charge you will be invoiced 21 days prior to the event/promotion
and all invoices should be settled prior to your event/promotion.
(w) All events that are held on Land & Environmental Services premises must by
fully compliant with all applicable environmental legislation and SEPA Pollution
Prevention Guidelines. Any negative environmental aspects that may arise
from event activities must be assessed and where necessary suitable control
measure introduced to reduce any associated impacts to an acceptable level.
Examples of negative environmental impacts include fuel spillage, air/water
pollution or unacceptable noise levels. Particular care must be taken to ensure
that no fuel/ oil spillage is allowed to reach a drainage system as this may
result in the pollution of a nearby river or watercourse.
(x) If your event is going to restrict public access you will be required to apply for a
300*13^ r Order. For further information contact the Council's Outdoor
section 11 order 'telephone 0141 287 8585).
(y) Glasgow Green Lets Only - You are required to contact Land &
Environmental Services Cycle Unit (telephone 0141 287 9038) no less than
two weeks prior to your event if it will result in the closure of Route 75 (cycle
pathway adjacent to the River Clyde between King's Drive and Saltmarket) in
order that all appropriate signage is displayed prior to and during your event
and is removed timeously thereafter.
For more information refer to notes attached

I acknowledge receipt of a copy of the Permission to Use Letter and agree to
observe the conditions contained therein.


Clearly marked suitable containers.

Storage of containers on drip tray or in a
bunded area.

Bulk quantities of fuel to be stored in
internally bunded tank.

All spillage to be cleaned up using an
absorbent material and the contaminated
material disposed of as a special waste.

Ensure no fuel or oil reaches the drainage
system or open ground.

Arrangements to be made with the Land &
Environmental Services Events Team to
clean up after an event.

If possible segregate recycleable materials
(paper, cans, glass etc).

Ensure that the Land & Environmental
Services Events Team is informed if a
public address system is to be used during
an event.
2. [ Make sure that volume is kept to the
minimum level required and that any Db
parameters specified are adhered to.

If any further information is required on any potential environmental impacts, or
assistance in carrying out an assessment of any activities, relating to an event then
please contact Land & Environmental Services on 0141 287 9778

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