Monday, February 23, 2009

Letter from a very frustrated guy

Whats happening in this world?.. When will people wake up ? We have Bankers stealing money all over the world, we have Politicians thats supposed to serve the people, We have peace officers thats become enforcement officers to collect more money for bankers, using stun guns on people CCTV cameras everywhere, listening and tracking devices in our computors , phones, and soon to be televisions or digital boxes,and cars, We have Corporations patenting our DNA and every plant, fruit and vegetables plus minerals, We have people in the middle east being killed by bombs, we have Moslims blaming jews, In the uk council officials tell us take down crosses and crucifixes, inferring it might offend moslims, Christains falling for this tactical manouvre, Once the middle east is bombed into submission or seriously depopulated, Christains and Jews will probably be next, So that these New agers, or world bank government, New World order shills thats patented everything on this planet is going to force us to eat Genetically modified crops that they own and have patents on, as well as banning people from growing herbs, or vegatables, and declaring minerals and vitamins and co2 toxins. Poltically correct groups shouting safe the earth, dont teach your children about morality, and Non Scientists telling us we are in danger due to global warming, and tax threats on animal farts,, This situation seriously needs fixed before the whole worlds in hock to these banksters. Martin

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