Monday, February 23, 2009

Letter to The President of the USA

Dear Mr President,

Grandparents are considered to be very important in their grandchildren’s lives but they have no legal standing in their lives through-out the world.
We have campaigned for eight years for legal rights of contact for grandparents but all governments refuse to grant individual legal rights to grandparents. As our children are losing out on the benefits and protection grandparents can offer because of their irrelevant status in the eyes of governments we have revised our policy.

Our group Grandparents Apart UK has worked with the Scottish Government to produce ‘The Charter for Grandchildren’.. It is an excellent document for children but it was only deemed advisory and is proving very difficult for professionals to abide by it. To do right by the children it would need to be mandatory for professionals that deal with children’s welfare.
Grandparents have a unique insight into their own families good and bad points and can detect signs of change like child abuse a mile off, but as the law stands grandparents are so easily banned from families in an effort to hide their shortcomings that children are being neglected and abused and the law is protecting the abuser.

This does not arise in normal families the question of grandparents losing contact never comes up in normal families with nothing to hide. Even if they do fall out the children do not suffer or get used as weapons for blackmail etc. We are talking about the millions of children caught up in drug and alcohol homes with no-one to turn too. Their grandparents would be a blessing to these children if the were only allowed to know about their welfare and professionals were encouraged more to recognise them for caring and keeping them in a home environment..

As of lately the British Social Services have been devastatingly incompetent in dealing with children as been displayed all over the media. We need a strong family man to exert some influence to bring an end to this madness.

Please read The Charter for Grandparents and if you think it can save children from neglect or abuse help us to put sense into our UK governments.

Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK

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