Friday, February 13, 2009

Latter from Scot Gov about The Charter for Grandchildren.

Scottish Government.
Children, Young People and Social Care Directorate
Safer Children, Stronger Families Division

Mr Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
22 AIness Crescent
Glasgow G52 1 PJ

Your ref:
Our ref: 2009/00032030R
February 2009

Mr Deuchars
Thank you for your email of 13 January relating to the Charter for Grandchildren. I am replying as a member of the child protection policy team.
Scottish Ministers are very aware of the important role that grandparents can play in
development of young people. It is very important that children are given the right support, and where necessary, protection if we are to ensure their development into confident individuals and effective contributors in our society. We see grandparents, can play a critical role in this regard.

It is important that anyone who has concern about a child's wellbeing should ensure that such concerns are reported. Of course, friends and family members can often be best placed to identify at an early stage those instances where a child may be placed at risk. A
dedicated 24 hour child protection line has been set up in order to ensure that individuals can access appropriate services quickly where they are concerned about a child's wellbeing.
The number is 0800 022 3222. Further information about the telephone line can be found on the Scottish Government's website at
In regards to the Charter for Grandchildren that was set up in conjunction with Grandparents Apart and other stakeholders, as part of a suite of guidance. It still remains the responsibility of the local authorities to put in place child protection procedures. Local authorities have a statutory duty to protect children in there area, but under the Concordat it is for them to determine how best to do this.
I hope this information is helpful.

Yours sincerely

Chris Bain

Child Protection Policy Team

Victoria Quay, Edinburgh EH6 6QQ

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