Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Dundee Demo report.

Further info:-

Dear All,

Our campaign in Dundee went very well. We were right outside the room where the attendees were having registration and their morning coffee breaks and they could not help but see us as we waved to them. Someone heard them debating us being there so we have achieved what we came for.

Alan Baird the boss man in question has refused to resign over the Branden Muir case in Dundee and would not answer our phone calls to his office. His secretary refused to give us any information as to his whereabouts and even refused to speak to the media.

The media coverage was Brilliant, GMTV, STV, Radio Times, The Telegraph, The Courier and a few radio and newspaper reporters which i can't remember them all but will be posted on the blog above as they become available. We can't thank them all enough for their coverage and kindness.

The Apex City Quay Hotel Dundee.

It cost £95+vat for social services to charge social services for the conference. £65+£13.50 for breakfast at this Hotel which lots of them stayed overnight. What a Bill!According to the locals there is huge social services building with lots of rooms and another one just yards from the Apex (luxury) Hotel which could easily have housed this conference.

Why was so much of your money spent on a big fancy hotel when an alternative was available? "Simply the best" for our social services that has an obvious policy on cost saving and treating our children as commodities to save money and they throw it away on luxury for themselves.

We should all demonstrate outside the social service headquarters in our particular areas and demand to be heard. Then report our findings to a central point of information for UK distribution.

Will you join us to bring justice for our children?


If I did not have personal experience of the behaviour of Social Services I would think your response over-the-top. But I do, and my experience is that Grandparents are non-persons as far as Social Services are concerned.


Edinburgh Business man.

Jimmy Deuchars
Grandparents Apart UK
22 Alness crescent
Glasgow G52 1PJ
0141 882 5658

March 26, 2009 9:06 AM

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